
Some days, all we have to do, is surrender to the possibility, that we do not have all

the answers, and we do not control everything. In that moment we surrender to the

force within us, the healer and all-knowing. We call him many things in different

languages, but he is God, the creator, LOVE. reach out to him, surrender, ask for

peace, then sit back and receive it. Rejuvenate your spirit, knowing, while you

seek and work for the best in this world, you do not hold all your answers.


Mah Mekolle


“When all is said and done, God loves me more than I could ever love myself. As a result of this belief in God’s unconditional love, I can tap into its essence and love myself enough, that my love shines through pain, distress, anxiety, fear, and hopelessness, to open my eyes to the beauty of life; and then share it with others” – MAH MEKOLLE

It’s sometimes all in your perspective, isn’t it? No matter how many sermons we listen to

or how many times we are told that we are worthy of joy, peace, hope, and most of all

LOVE; in the end, all that can be in front of us, and we still won’t see it. I have found

my perspective wreak havoc in my life, when all I could see was “poor me”, or

“it’s them”.  When I chose to see what I desired and wanted for my life, soon, I started

to see possibilities! It’s not about being blind to the truth of what our life is like, it is

about expanding our perspective to see more than just the circumstance  that might

not change that moment. There is always a spread laid out for us, can we see it?

What does your perspective show you about your life, your possibilities? Dark or colorful?

Weather Your Storms

What habits have you cultivated when it comes to your attitude about storms in your life? Are you set immediately in a panic, do you fret and worry, and begin to speak of all the dreadful “what if” possibilities that could arise from the storm, rather than look for the positive angle? Maybe it is time to start growing that inner muscle that says, no matter what, I have what it takes to weather the storms in my life, for they will come, and go, but I will be the factor that decides if I go with the storms or not.  Mah Mekolle



What does it mean to be kind? I am sure by now we have all received kindness in our life in some form or shape, and at some age, whether as children or adults. We know deep down what true kindness feels like, and we too have been kind. So, what stops us and prevents us from being kind with every opportunity that presents itself, why do we withhold kindness when we can give it? Why do we ration it with the people we love, and give it easily to strangers, why is it easier to say kind things to people who will forget us the next minute, and then be as nasty and hateful instead with the ones who are in our life daily?

When we withhold kindness, we are indeed reducing its capacity within us. We think we are exercising control, but in the end, we are giving away the essence of us, one of the beautiful things that still has the capacity to humanize us. Be kind today, let that be the key word for reflection. Think about the times today you could have been kind, said something kind or done something kind. Did you take every opportunity, or did you pace yourself as if your kindness might run out? If life has not given you an opportunity to be kind yet today, make one.


Mah Mekolle



Today is a very special day, for many reasons other than that September 2nd is my birthday. Today, I officially launch my company, Pearls of Our Lives LLC! Yes. It has been a long road, one which I will explain as the days go forth, so stay tuned please. Today I celebrate the achievement of just one of my dreams, to own and build a Life Skills and Communication company, dedicated to positively enriching lives through Self-development Coaching.

I started my journey to discover my own self many years ago, and that journey took me to the discovery of my natural gifts and skills. I finally acknowledged my gift for listening, not just with my ears, but with my heart, after enough feedback from friends and family I also realized that I had a natural gift for encouraging, inspiring and basically helping people see the bright side of things, the silver lining, letting them know, that although the storms may come, they never last, but if you hang in there, with me beside you, you will not drown nor burn, I will be there, empowering and equipping you to handle the life you have. So, pearlsofourlives.com blog was born, two years ago.


On my blog, I wrote my heart out, and practiced my other gifts, writing poetry, short stories, Food For Thought and basically exploring various expressions of the same message and theme, you can do it, you have what it takes, in your time of sorrow, here is how to look at life and navigate that point, laugh, smile, live, love, and most of all, create meaning in your life.

I thoroughly enjoyed blogging for these two years, that I knew that I wanted to keep on pushing and reaching more people. I decided to study and sharpen my craft. I already had over a decade working in the healthcare industry from the bottom up, as a Nursing Aide, to now as a Registered Nurse. I worked in the Operating Room, saw people at their most vulnerable points as they went through In Vitro to conceive babies, I worked on critical care units, taking care of patients in a coma, cleaned and bathed them, carried them, fed them, and also, I was there one time too many, when a patient lost their battle with life, and I was honored to be the nurse by their side. I love being a nurse, so enriching, and teaching. In order to enhance my Coaching skills, I enrolled in and got my certification as a Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, and also now a student of Strategic Intervention Certification program, pioneered by the world-renowed Life Coach, Tony Robbins and Cloe Madannes. Please check out rmtcenter.com for more details.


I am a very spiritual person, my energy and my peace comes from my deep faith as a Christian, and now armed with a combination of my medical skills and Life Coach Certifications, I decided it was time to launch my own company. Today, on my birthday, I celebrate my journey of self-discovery, which led me to grow through the toughest circumstances and the best experiences, I found myself, found my core, discovered my passion and got my mission. I am here, to assist you in doing your own work of self-discovery, that you too many find and live the best life given you, through the discovery of your true self, your skills, and to help you navigate the storms of life, equipping you to handle your life. I am here to positively enrich your life, and the life of others, and I will lead with my heart, my head and my presence if you will honor me to continue to grow with me, and have me as your Coach.

I have so much lined up for the future, and I will reveal them in the coming weeks and months. For today, thank you for sticking with me, don’t go away, you are a part of this journey and I love each and every one of you. Reach out to me, if you need a hand.


Mah Mekolle

Founder, Pearls of Our Lives LLC



What lies within us is far more powerful that the external attraction of what our eyes perceive. Sometimes we are blinded by the glitz, the bling, and glamor of what we think are the fruits of true labor in others, and yes, that well could be the fruits of true labor, and sometimes, the labor is not one you want to be a part of either. You see, judging a process simply by the appearance of fruit can be very detrimental, unless one is privy to the efforts taken to get there. On the other hand, fruits don’t lie, consistent fruit tells a tale of consistent effort.

In the end, we can only be accountable for our own efforts and our own fruit. While it is important to use the steps walked by others as an encouraging beacon to keep on working hard, we can’t become obsessed with their journey to the point of neglecting our own. This unfortunately has given rise to a celebrity and paparazzi-obsessed world nowadays, where we wake up trying to break the news of who wore what and married whom, rather than reaching inside our dreams to break the news of what steps we will take that day to accomplish our own dreams.

Be steadfast to your pace, your goals, your dreams and your visions, which have been custom-made for you. Admire and applaud the achievements of others with genuine admiration and a desire to learn from their positive steps. However, do not get lost in a world outside of your own, that might lead you to feel depressed that you are not progressing, lead to needless jealousy and envy, or self-deprecating utterances unto yourself. Move forward with you plans, believe in your visions and your ability to achieve, then take purposeful steps each day. Positively enrich your life and others. – MAH MEKOLLE


In my last post, I talked about the importance of honoring you role to yourself. I said that the most important human being on this earth should be you, not so that you can be selfish, but that your role as your champion should lead you to pursuing the best of life, so that you can be and give your best to those you love and who depend on you.

Today I want to talk about honoring you commitments, not only to yourself but to others. When we accept who we are and what we are here for, it is no secret that we enter into commitments with people, with our jobs, home leases, cars, friendships, marriages, and many other forms of commitments. However, how much practice do we have with keeping our commitments?

Truth is, a lot of us fail at commitments, not because we are bad people or not trustworthy, it is hard to do your best every day and succeed at it every single time. So, we get hard on ourselves, we feel dejected and sometimes we are afraid to try again, to make it right. What we forget is that the people we disappoint, or the people we think will not forgive our wrongs, are just as human as we are. We often let ego get in the way, and we reject ourselves even before we are rejected.

Make your commitments and keep them. Be the best colleague you can be, try to be the best partner, parent, child, friend. Know that dropping the ball is part of life, but know and have the humility to ask for a second chance to make things right. People are not as hard-hearted as we think. We make them that way when we behave in a manner that makes them feel they need to protect themselves from you. Avoid making a habit of breaking your commitments, for sooner than later, you lose the relationships you have worked hard to build, whether in business or personal. Do not however, run away from commitment, how else will you achieve your goals if you do not commit.

This week, practice your commitment to the little things, and then the big things. If things do not go according to plan, regroup, try to make it right, and if it is too late, move on and be better on the next task. Let me hear and read from you, what is your take on honoring you commitments? Have you made a commitment to yourself, that you will pursue a particular dream, goal, purpose, explore your gifts? What is going on with that commitment, what are you doing to honor your commitment to the most important person on this earth, you? Dig in, reach deep and commit to begin the most authentic you, that you can be, then try each day to be the best of that authentic self, see the magic happen. It may not rain money, buy oh it will rain joy, and soon enough, your joy in your purpose and authenticity will lead to the comfortable life you crave, financially, spiritually, emotionally and in relationships. Have an amazing week!



I love new beginnings, they are amazing to the mind and heart. The wonderful thing about new beginnings is you can create your own whenever you like, you don’t have to wait for someone else to start it or give you permission. You don’t have to wait to conform to man-made new starts like new year. You decide when you need to start over, whether it is Monday, Thursday, March or August. So, I challenge you today, are you yet on that path to realizing your utmost purpose on this earth, have you found the key to why you are here, how confident are you, that you are where you need to be, doing what you were called to do and there is nothing more you want?

My Challenge: Today, look in the mirror and ask the image starring back, if the decisions you are currently making, honor the path in that journey to revealing the greatness within you. If something doesn’t seem right, do something about it. Remove the obstacles, be laser focused on creating the best life for yourself. It won’t take a day, but it won’t happen either if you don’t live with intention.

You are the light of the world, so shine bright!


This is a summary of my message this week on Forgiveness which sparked a beautiful trend of conversations with some of you. Thank you for blessing me with your thoughts and visiting my website. Please enjoy the message and may it bring you a renewed desire to forgive. It is all about you, your freedom. Don’t forget to read my other message this week on chasing your dreams. I will see you all next week with fresh Positive Enrichment. Subscribe to my YouTube channel, Pearls of Our Lives, for more of my Positive Enrichment messages




… So, are you holding on to unforgiveness? Are are holding your breath waiting for your offenders to croak from your unforgiving chokehold and expire? You sure? So why are you still holding on so tightly?

Forgive and move on, don’t ask too much, why?, just make the decision to forgive, which means letting go the chokehold that event, person or people have on you. You see, letting bitterness take over is actually a new chokehold you put around your own neck. So, again, forgive and move on. Don’t think too hard, cause in essence, you’re freeing yourself!

Mah Mekolle

Photography supplied by Annemarie Nuar

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